Frequently Forgotten Top Surgery Tips and Mastectomy Myth-Busting

When planning for top surgery, it can be really daunting. Any kind of surgery is a scary prospect and no matter how many videos you watch or how many people you talk to, you’re never going to be able to perfectly prepare for everything that might happen.

Why “Feminist” Anti-Trans Advocates Also Hate Sex Workers

The connection between certain anti-trans ideas and negative views of sex workers is not necessarily clear to people who don’t intimately understand the rhetoric used against each group. Why would having an issue with trans people make someone hate sex workers too? Why would being disgusted by prostitutes make someone hate trans people? For manyContinue reading “Why “Feminist” Anti-Trans Advocates Also Hate Sex Workers”

Transmasculine Guide to Sex Work

If you’re a trans man or transmasculine non-binary person and a sex worker (or want to be a sex worker) then most resources aren’t going to be built with you in mind. The few resources that make an effort to be inclusive will have you as an afterthought and only minimal amounts of advice willContinue reading “Transmasculine Guide to Sex Work”

Lesbian Hookers

A lot of people struggle to get their head around the idea of a lesbian having sex with men for money. Sex workers are often either viewed as victims forced into the sex trade (“prostituted women”) or they are seen as sexual deviants choosing to profit from seducing men. The idea of a lesbian whoContinue reading “Lesbian Hookers”