Why Julie Bindel is Wrong About Sex Work

Julie Bindel is a prominent figure among so-called “radical feminists” who oppose the decriminalization and destigmatization of sex work. Sex work is work, regardless of what Bindel and her ilk keep saying, and here’s why.

Bullshit Radical Feminist Arguments About Sex Work

Sex work is indeed often dangerous, particularly prostitution. It’s made that way by criminalization and stigma. Decriminalizing it gives sex workers more rights, more freedom, and more control over our bodies and consent. Radical feminists do not wish me well.

The Ideal Nordic Model Poster Child

There are a number of groups who oppose the full decriminalization of prostitution and support the criminalization of clients. Sometimes this will be called the “Nordic model” because it’s the legal model for prostitution used in Sweden and Norway. Others will dishonestly call it the “Equality Model”. You may even see it framed as “decriminalizationContinue reading “The Ideal Nordic Model Poster Child”

Why “Feminist” Anti-Trans Advocates Also Hate Sex Workers

The connection between certain anti-trans ideas and negative views of sex workers is not necessarily clear to people who don’t intimately understand the rhetoric used against each group. Why would having an issue with trans people make someone hate sex workers too? Why would being disgusted by prostitutes make someone hate trans people? For manyContinue reading “Why “Feminist” Anti-Trans Advocates Also Hate Sex Workers”

Whoring Out Our Trauma

With the global conversation around sex work focusing on sex trafficking and the trauma many sex workers face, sex workers’ stories are subject to being weaponized to deny them the very rights which would protect them from that harm. In Whoring Out Our Trauma: Prostitution and Sexual Abuse, these issues are presented from the pointContinue reading “Whoring Out Our Trauma”

(S)ex workers

We do not have good estimates regarding the total number of sex workers in the world. We cannot even obtain an accurate number of sex workers within an area as small as a city. We can, however, reasonably assume that whatever that number is that there are even more people who have done sex workContinue reading “(S)ex workers”