Why You’re Failing on OnlyFans

Most people are! I realize it seems flippant to say it, but it’s the truth. Most people who make OnlyFans accounts or who make online porn in general will fail to make a significant amount of money. For the few people making significant money, that’s a result of already having a sizeable platform or ofContinue reading “Why You’re Failing on OnlyFans”

Whoring Out Our Trauma

With the global conversation around sex work focusing on sex trafficking and the trauma many sex workers face, sex workers’ stories are subject to being weaponized to deny them the very rights which would protect them from that harm. In Whoring Out Our Trauma: Prostitution and Sexual Abuse, these issues are presented from the pointContinue reading “Whoring Out Our Trauma”

(S)ex workers

We do not have good estimates regarding the total number of sex workers in the world. We cannot even obtain an accurate number of sex workers within an area as small as a city. We can, however, reasonably assume that whatever that number is that there are even more people who have done sex workContinue reading “(S)ex workers”

Sometimes Selling Sex is a Better Option

When I started selling sex, it was my last resort. The stigma around sex work in society means that it often takes an extreme event (homelessness, the inability to pay for food, the need to pay for urgent healthcare) for someone to start. Once you’ve been involved in sex work, that threshold becomes lower. You’veContinue reading “Sometimes Selling Sex is a Better Option”

Why I’ll Never “Exit” Sex Work

Sometimes I think about stopping escorting. Most of the time, I’m never considering doing so soon, but I imagine doing so once I have enough money for the next thing, or I think about finding a better paid job where I have enough income not to need it. The issue is, barring becoming suddenly richContinue reading “Why I’ll Never “Exit” Sex Work”