How to Talk About Minors Selling Sex

Even referring to minors as being capable of “selling sex” is going to be controversial to a lot of people. A person selling sexual services and being raped or abused are not mutually exclusive – saying minors can sell sex does not minimize that their clients are raping them.

Applying the Label “Sex Worker” to People Selling Sex Throughout History

When it comes to researching historical prostitution, it is incredibly difficult to find accounts which come directly from people selling sex. The further back in history we go, the more true that is. Since the term “sex worker” is a recent invention, coined in the late 70s, and most works will use euphemisms or derogatory terms, there is often debate over whether it is appropriate to retroactively call people sex workers if they sold sex.

Responsible Reporting on Sex Work

A lot of people are being undervalued for their contributions in journalism or other forms of written media. Journalists and other writers should have solidarity with the sex workers they interview and seek to make the process as easy and safe for them as possible, rather than being a part of the machine which exploits us.

Whoring Out Our Trauma

With the global conversation around sex work focusing on sex trafficking and the trauma many sex workers face, sex workers’ stories are subject to being weaponized to deny them the very rights which would protect them from that harm. In Whoring Out Our Trauma: Prostitution and Sexual Abuse, these issues are presented from the pointContinue reading “Whoring Out Our Trauma”

“I’d be an escort if not for…”

Sometimes clients will tell me that if they were attractive women, they would be escorts. This comes with the assumption that if they were women, they’d be attracted to men and have a high sex drive. Usually, when I prod carefully at this idea, it becomes clear that they have this imagined idea of whatContinue reading ““I’d be an escort if not for…””